First youth Student ministries
First youth
First Youth Student Ministries exists to introduce students in grades 6-12 to the truth of
God’s Word, His Kingdom, and their place within it. We offer opportunities for students to
unite with others within their generation in pursuit of God’s will, be empowered through
the living Word of God, and to be spiritually prepared to launch into the life that God has
called them to. Through a diverse set of events, assemblies, and service opportunities,
The Light Youth offers students a chance to build relationships, encounter the presence
of God, and get involved in the life of the church.
First Youth also meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 PM for in-depth discussion on
discipleship and development. There are many other exciting events for students
at variously scheduled times, such as: Ignite Youth Service, Student Cell Groups, Prayer
Meetings, Student Rallies, and more! Quarter Calendars are available online or at the
church welcome center for specific event dates and times.
young adults
Young Adults is a ministry designed to provide young adults ages 18+ a place
to grow and serve within the Kingdom of God. This season represents a period of
dynamic transition within students who have recently graduated High School or are
currently enrolled at the college-level, and are finding their place within the ministry of
the church. Element is committed to providing such young adults with opportunities to
build relationships with peers, mature in their walk with Christ, and establish themselves
within the work that God is doing both locally and beyond.
Bible Quizzing
The First Apostolic Church of Toledo offers exciting opportunities for students ages 5-18
to compete in Bible Quizzing competitions in Ohio and throughout the Midwest.
Scripture memorization, application, and quotation all play a part in this thrilling ministry,
and students who compete are sure to be blessed with a deep knowledge of God’s